Last Day to Pre-Register for the 6th Annual "Little Titans" Camp is June 25th
The last day to pre-register for the 6th Annual "Little Titans" Camp is June 25, 2021. All waivers and checks must be received by that...
2021 Tryouts: August 2-August 5
Anyone who wishes to participate in our program during our 2021 season MUST attend these scheduled tryout dates: ​ All Sophomores,...
Season's Practice Schedule is Calendared
Please refer to our website's Calendar page to view our program's practice schedule for all 3 levels. For the most part, Freshman will be...
2020 Tryouts Have Been Rescheduled
Our tryouts have been rescheduled to begin on Saturday, December 12 in Poway's gym and will run for 3 days on December 12th, 14th, and...
Fall Sports Postponed until December
The State CIF published their sports calendar for the 2020-2021 year. You can view that here: State CIF Season Calendar They did not...
Fall Sports News/Decisions Expected Next Week
As of now, we still don't have any new news about what CIF and/or our District is planning on doing for Fall sports. However, the State...
2020 Tryouts Still Planned for Aug. 3-6
As of now, we are still planning on holding tryouts from August 3-6 at Poway's gym. If CIF and/or our District tell us Fall Sports are...
2020 Pre-Season High School Camp
We are still planning on holding our normal pre-season high school camp at the end of July this year (July 28-31) as Day Camps have been...
Our 6th Annual "Little Titans" Camp is cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. We plan on resuming our "Little Titans" camp in the...
2019 1st Program Bonding Event
Dear Players & Parents: This year we are participating again in the program-wide bonding event at the Mission Bay Aquatics Center (MBAC)....