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Conditioning Testing

During tryouts, our program has conditioning testing for all players who are trying out for JV/Varsity. Players are expected to meet the bare minimum times/scores in each of the following tests, or they will be required to keep testing after tryouts until they meet the requirements:


  1. Hurdle Jumps 

    • need at least 60 jumps within 40 seconds over a 6-inch. hurdle 

    • record is 116 by Grace Judd in 2023

  2. Beep Test 

    • need to run back and forth 20 meters and make it through at least the 5th level of the "beep test" 

    • record is 10th level 8th beep by McKenzie Hall in 2013

  3. Sprint Test 

    • need to run the length of the basektball court in at least in 4.7 seconds 

    • record is 3.47 seconds by Kiki Remensperger in 2023

  4. 5/10/5 Agility Drill

    • need to sprint 5-yards, then reverse direction to sprint 10-yards, and then reverse direction again to sprint final 5-yrds within 5.7 seconds 

    • record is 4.45 seconds to the right by Asia Pitzer in 2013 and 4.59 seconds to the left by Alana Embry in 2017

  5. Push-Ups

    • need to complete at least 28 push-ups before your body touches the ground in an unlimited amount of time

    • record is 101 by Kayla Pursley in 2016

  6. Sit-Ups

    • need to complete at least 35 sit-ups within 1 minute

    • record is 70 by Nora Ward in 2019

  7. Jump Rope (single jumps)

    • need to complete at least 100 single jumps within 1 minute

    • record is 182 by Shabnam Bonyadi in 2011

  8. Jump Rope (double jumps)

    • need to complete at least 8 double jumps within 1 minute

    • record is 80 by Shabnam Bonyadi in 2011

  9. Medicine Ball Toss

    • will test but do not need a minimum score

    • record is 22'8 by Eua Matautia in 2015

  10. Vertical Jump

    • will test but do not need a minimum score

    • record is 26" by Payton Ceglie in 2016

  11. Broad Jump

    • will test but do not need a minimum score

    • record is 7'8" by Sydney Snyder in 2013

  12. Triple Jump

    • will test but do not need a minimum score

    • record is 23'5" by Sydney Snyder in 2012


We also run sprints on the football field for time.


  1. 120-yard shuttles

    • need to run 10 yards and back, then to 20 yards and back, and then to 30 yards and back under 29.25 seconds

  2. 50-yard sprints

    • need to run 50 yards under 8.25 seconds​

  3. 30-yard sprints

    • need to run 30 yards under 5.25 seconds​

  4. 20-yard sprints

    • need to run 20 yards under 3.5 seconds​

  5. 10-yard sprints

    • need to run 10 yards under 2.25 seconds​

The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD  does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic group identification, ancestry, religion, gender, gender identification, mental or physical disability. For more information, please contact Associate Superintendent, Personnel Support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128-3406.


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